


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is transforming a former community medical center into a world-class neuropsychiatric hospital in the 比萨店会面 neighborhood about six miles east of the university’s Los Angeles campus in Westwood. 它将包括全面的成人行为保健服务, 老年, 儿科, 青少年患者, 以及一个专门的危机稳定服务区域.

The new 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 hospital will relocate and expand the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA. 

对相邻的医疗办公大楼和停车场的改进将创造一个现代化的, 综合行为健康校园,提供全方位的住院和门诊服务.

阅读更多: 房间模型标志着神经精神病医院项目的里程碑.







  • 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is one of the few remaining providers of inpatient behavioral health care in Los Angeles County.
  • 对精神科住院病床的需求早已超过了容量,这种需求是迫切的. The region has far fewer inpatient psychiatric beds per capita than the recommended public health standard.
  • 现在在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的斯图尔特和琳达·雷斯尼克神经精神病院, 在韦斯特伍德的大学校园里, 常规满负荷运行.
  • 新医院计划提供119张急症精神病住院床位. 这比皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心目前的神经精神病院的74张床位多出45张(61%). 它还将包括一个专门的危机稳定服务护理区.


  • 新的神经精神病医院将是一座全电力建筑. It will meet or exceed University of California standards for environmentally sustainable practices for building materials, 能源和水的使用, 废物管理, 减少化石燃料的使用. 

  • 计划要求安装低流量的管道装置和淋浴设备, 雨水径流截留, 高效的加热, 通风及空调设备, 使用低碳和可再生的建筑材料.

  • The new 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 hospital and larger behavioral health campus will be targeted to achieve a Gold rating for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is transforming a former community medical center into a world-class neuropsychiatric hospital in the 比萨店会面 neighborhood, 位于洛杉矶大学韦斯特伍德校区以东约6英里处. 医院将为成人提供全面的行为保健服务, 老年, 儿童和青少年患者. 这包括急症住院服务, 门诊服务和专门的危机稳定服务护理区.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is one of the few remaining providers of inpatient behavioral health care in Los Angeles County. 对精神科住院病床的需求早已超过了容量,这种需求是迫切的. The region has far fewer inpatient psychiatric beds per capita than the recommended public health standard. 儿童和青少年的需求尤其迫切, 在大流行期间,更多的人感到焦虑和抑郁,需要护理.

这个行为健康项目将扩大对个人的访问, 他们的家庭和更广泛的皇冠hga020电脑版在一个愈合的环境.

该项目计划提供119张急症精神病住院床位, 其中36个是为儿童和青少年患者设计的. 这比皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心目前的神经精神病院的74张床位多出45张(61%). 除了, 新医院将有一个专门的危机稳定服务护理区, 在韦斯特伍德找不到的线人.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 acquired the former Olympia Medical Center in January 2021 following closure of the community hospital. 此次收购还包括一栋医疗办公楼和一座停车场.

2022年11月, 皇冠hga025大学校董会批准的项目范围, 设计和融资.

2023年3月,开始对现有医院大楼进行内部拆除和改造. 预计后续阶段将包括外部拆除, 更换医院整体结构的一部分, 对所有建筑系统和内部进行大规模翻新, 并安装医疗设备等各种工作,取得国家许可证.

The current timetable calls for completion and occupancy of the new UCLA behavioral health hospital in 2026.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is making an anticipated investment of $452 million in the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA. 皇冠hga025大学董事会批准了3.52亿美元的债券销售,以帮助资助该项目. 

The current 74 inpatient beds in the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA – located within Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on the university’s Westwood campus – will be relocated to the new hospital, 在洛杉矶中威尔希尔地区以东约6英里处. 

That will free up capacity to provide specialized medical and surgical care to more 儿科 and adult patients in Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

The new 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 hospital will be called the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA – the same name as the current location but with expanded capacity.

The Stewart and Lynda Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital at UCLA is among the world’s leading centers for comprehensive patient care, 心理和行为健康领域的研究和教育. 儿科, 成人和老年患者接受各种疾病的护理,包括, 但不限于:

  • 抑郁和焦虑障碍
  • 自闭症和发育障碍
  • 精神分裂症和其他精神病
  • 痴呆症和认知障碍
  • 双相情感障碍,创伤后应激障碍,强迫症,药物滥用和饮食失调
  • 产后精神状况

最新的研究告诉我们要小心, 其中大部分是在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的大卫·格芬医学院进行的, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校精神病学和生物行为科学系, 以及皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校塞梅尔神经科学和人类行为研究所.

除了精神科医生和其他医生, care teams also include 护士; psychologists; speech pathologists; education and behavioral specialists; occupational, physical and recreation therapists; and others focused on preparing patients for successful transition to life outside of the hospital.

医院项目位置为5900 W. 奥林匹克大道,靠近圣维森特大道, 在中威尔郡地区, about six miles east of Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center on the University’s main campus in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心还收购了一座医疗办公楼和一座停车场. 医疗办公楼为优化门诊行为健康项目提供了机会, 与有执照的神经精神病院相关的临床研究和教育项目. 我们正在评估哪些具体项目将从韦斯特伍德搬迁.

While enhancements to the medical office building and the parking structure are being managed and funded separately from the new hospital, 计划需要一个现代化的, 综合行为健康校园和基础设施改善.

正在尽一切努力尽量减少对皇冠hga020电脑版的影响. 建筑工人的停车场被安置在现有的停车场内. 预计车辆流量不会超过奥林匹亚医疗中心运营时的水平.

The lead contractor has been tasked with maintaining a safe and compliant jobsite and ensuring any necessary coordination with authorities having jurisdiction. Protected pedestrian walkways and secure barriers into the construction site are part of the contractor’s scope.

设计建造施工团队由McCarthy建筑公司领导., 该国历史最悠久的私营国有建筑公司, 它与全球建筑公司HOK合作. 每个人在皇冠hga025的医疗保健建设方面都有丰富的经验. 该团队通过公开招标程序获得了这项工作.

HGA是一家全国性的跨学科设计公司,提供早期规划和编程服务. 它还为项目提供持续的同行评审.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康精神科医生, 护士, general services and numerous other clinical and non-clinical personnel worked extensively with the designer on a layout that ensures safety and promotes a healing environment. 该项目旨在实现最佳患者和工作人员体验的美学.

The interior design facilitates caregiving by creating spaces that incorporate best practices in behavioral health, 优先考虑病人和工作人员的安全, 同时避免一种制度性的感觉,支持治疗和安慰. Selection of colors and materials are informed by an “urban oasis” approach that includes natural elements and visuals, 光线充足的空间和与自然的联系.

Separated outdoor gardens and spaces are being created to meet the different needs of 儿科 and adult patients. 这包括玩耍和娱乐的机会, 以及其他治疗领域, 沉思或冥想. 空间也将满足行动不便患者的需求. 员工可以使用专门的花园和室内休息区域,以满足他们的需求.

每个住院单元由三个“皇冠hga020电脑版”组成,每个皇冠hga020电脑版将有一个休息室, 一个餐厅和一个安静的房间. 创新的感官室也包括在项目中. 

绝大多数病房都是单人入住, 在治疗上适当的时候,有一些设计为双人居住. 每个单元包括一个小组治疗室, 一个用于艺术和音乐治疗的多功能房间, 职业治疗和其他活动. 还将有两个厨房设计供患者在职业治疗期间使用, 空间里有用于物理治疗的健身器材和为学龄患者设计的教学教室.

The dedicated care area for crisis stabilization services will include private rooms to support initial assessment and a communal “living room” area for use by individuals as they stabilize and are able to engage in treatment planning and to self-select between activities and rest. 所有护理区域都设计为临床工作人员直接观察,以确保安全和支持性护理.

前奥林匹亚皇冠hga020电脑版医院包括四个相互连接的, 但自1950年以来,在不同时期建造的建筑中,没有设计紧凑的建筑. 这些, 其中一个将被完全替换, 有了新电梯, 垂直空气循环系统和屋顶中央植物. 其他的将只保留它们的上层建筑.

The entire property will benefit from 100% new interiors and exteriors upgraded to current building codes and outfitted with current technology. 最独特的外部特征——弯曲的展馆翼——将被保留.

The new neuropsychiatric hospital will meet or exceed University of California standards for environmentally sustainable practices for building materials, 能源和水的使用, 废物管理, 减少化石燃料的使用. 这将是一座全电力建筑.

计划要求安装低流量的管道装置和淋浴装置,以减少水的消耗, 雨水径流截留, 高效的加热, 通风及空调设备, 使用低碳和可再生的建筑材料. The adaptive re-use of the former acute care hospital reduces the embodied carbon footprint of the project.

The entire new hospital and larger campus will be targeted to achieve a Gold rating for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for New Construction and Major Renovations.

医院由皇冠hga025公共卫生部颁发执照. The California Department of Health Care Access and 信息 (HCAI) provides regulatory oversight of construction. The University of California and the general contractor also are coordinating with appropriate County and City of Los Angeles agencies.